HarrahsCasino.com is now available on Android. Click here on your Android device to download today!
- Please note HarrahsCasino.com is not available in the Google Playstore.
Need help downloading HarrahsCasino.com on your Android? See below for an overview of the download process. If you experience any issues feel free to contact Player Support 24/7 at 1-855-218-6230.
Step 1- Click on ‘Download’.
Step 2- Swipe down from the top of your screen on your Android device; tap on the tab labeled ‘HarrahsCasino (1).apk- download complete.
- Please note you will need to have ‘Unknown Sources’ enabled on your device.
- To enable ‘Unknown Sources’ go to ‘Settings,” click on ‘Security’ and swipe right on the bar next to ‘Unknown Sources.’
Step 3- Select ‘Install’.
Step 4- Once the App is installed click on ‘Open’ to proceed to the HarrahsCasino.com App.